In the ‘The Talk’ series, Detlef Büttner spoke to interesting authors about their work. The topics range from AI and teamwork to innovation and sustainability. We present the individual titles in our blog. Just listen in, read in, let yourself be inspired.

Buyer Personas Wie man seine Zielgruppen erkennt und begeistert
Häusel, Hans-Georg / Henzler, Harald (2018)
Haufe, Freiburg
The book deals with the creation and use of buyer personas to better understand and address target groups.
Buyer personas sharpen the focus on customer needs: The book explains how to better capture the requirements of target groups. Buyer personas are detailed and tangible ideal images of target groups. They allow you to better highlight the USP of your offer and better address your customers - if you formulate and use them correctly.
Emotional structure with the Limbic® map: It shows how the Limbic® map can be used to capture the needs of target groups. You understand the language of your customers and can therefore improve your marketing.
Practical application: The book offers a concrete guide to creating personas and shows how they can be used in practice to position offers in the digital market.
Case studies and practical examples: It contains case studies that underline and demonstrate the practicality of the method.
Mobile Publishing – Enhanced E-Books, Apps & Co.
Henzler, Harald / Kern, Fabian (2014)
De Gruyter, Berlin, Boston
This book is about the development of business models. Step by step, it shows how to get from the initial idea and an elevator pitch to the minimum viable product.
The early definition of potential customers, the presentation of the user stories and needs of these target groups and the marketing plan based on this are particularly important. The idea can then be tested and modified by checking the technological possibilities and developing suitable revenue models.
At the end of this “smart check”, the result always looks different from the initial idea and the method has been tested and further developed over decades in numerous projects in practice.

‘AI, please take over!’ - Will marketers still need to be creative in the future? An investigation into creativity and AI
Henzler, Harald / Tanasi, Vivianna in: FOM-Edition: Marketing & Sales Innovation 2025, Springer Nature (geplanter ET Frühjahr 2025)
Understanding and speaking the language of customers: New services through persona models and AI
Henzler, Harald / Leutloff, Julia (geplanter ET Frühjahr 2025)

Shared Leadership. More engagement and better results thanks to shared leadership
Jessl, Randolf / Wilhelm, Thomas (2023)
Haufe, Freiburg
Shared leadership refers to the distribution of responsibility and leadership among several actors. This book explains the shared leadership model and shows what it can do. It addresses its immense advantages, but also shows possible limits. Readers learn how shared leadership is lived in the company and what methods, skills and conditions for success are necessary for those involved to take responsibility and achieve better results together in a complex working world.