Our services

Win customers

Are you looking for new customers?
Do you check new markets and the right cooperation partners to get started?

Boost sales, increase returns

Are you looking for a fast and precise analysis?
Would it be helpful to have the experienced view of someone who has faced the same question x times?
And do you want to get to the heart of the short and medium-term measures?

Evaluate technologies, implement them efficiently

You are faced with the decision of which technologies you want to invest in?
You know that innovations are necessary and are looking for a sparring partner for a technological + economic + organizational assessment?

Acting responsibly

Do you want to revise the principles for dealing with AI?
Do you want to formulate ethical principles in your company and for your customers that have not simply been copied from ChatGPT and are just an alibi?
Do you want principles to be real principles that you want to adhere to because they make sense?

Our formats

Lectures and moderation – we provide impetus

Are you looking for an impulse?
Would you like suggestions based on experience and innovative perspectives?

Workshops and seminars – we train

You want to get started and get everyone in the team on board?
A moderator should bring everyone together in the first step, help to record the milestones and provide an outlook?
Are you looking for an initial training course on an important topic and need in-depth knowledge?

Projects and interim management – we lead

Do you want to act quickly and don't have the employees on board yet?
You need someone who can immediately distinguish the essentials from the non-essentials and take action?

Research projects – we lay the foundations

Do you need more certainty on difficult issues?
The task is complex and you are looking for valid arguments for your decisions?

Investments – we develop

Do you want to invest and are looking for partners?
You need an evaluation of a start-up?